
April 2022

March 2022

The Answer to the Great Resignation

By |2022-03-16T08:44:31-04:00March 16th, 2022|Career and Business, Career and Entrepreneurship, Corporate, Leadership, Living Your Passion|

The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit, is causing a lot of challenges in the workplace, but could it also be providing a massive opportunity for workers and employers alike?

June 2020

Cultivating Self-Leadership as a New Graduate

By |2021-01-28T16:06:42-05:00June 24th, 2020|Conscious Leadership, Corporate, Education, Community and Leadership, Guest Blogggers & Interviews, Living Your Passion|

The graduating class of 2020 has essentially been thrust into the daunting world of adulthood. With the comfort and security of student life gone, new graduates must learn to navigate an uncertain job market without any sense of closure for the end of the life they once knew. Despite the many uncertainties ahead, it is important for new graduates to maintain a positive outlook and not to lose sight of what they have to offer the world. Graduates can use this time of large-scale social change to tap into their potential, discover new interests, and explore their passions. 

May 2020

Strategies to Thrive in these Extraordinary Times

By |2021-01-28T16:07:10-05:00May 6th, 2020|Corporate, Crisis, Loss and Renewal, Living Your Passion, Personal Growth|

Our greatest challenges provide opportunities for our greatest growth. And, boy is this one doozy of a growth opportunity! There are four main strategies I have used to thrive in these extraordinary times.

March 2020

Time to Reexamine Our Lives

By |2021-02-01T17:04:20-05:00March 27th, 2020|Career and Business, Career and Entrepreneurship, Corporate, Living Your Passion, Personal Growth, Retirement|

From crisis comes an opportunity to change…the bigger the crisis, the bigger the opportunity. As we take this time to self-isolate, are we continuing to do what we have always done - distracting ourselves with news, social media, busyness, even getting lost in fear, anger and judgement? Or, are we taking the time to go within, to get to know ourselves better, and to look at what no longer serves us? Are we continuing to fight 'what is', or are we willing to surrender and allow 'what will become'?

January 2020

The 4 Steps to Embracing Your True Calling

By |2021-02-01T17:04:35-05:00January 13th, 2020|Career and Business, Career and Entrepreneurship, Corporate, Living Your Passion|

Over the past ten years, Designing Transformation has developed a process to help individuals, business owners and leaders uncover and step into their deeper calling. This process has four phases: Awaken, Discover, Envision and Mastery.

September 2019

Your ThriveZone’s the Key to Unlocking Your Potential

By |2021-02-01T17:04:51-05:00September 23rd, 2019|Career and Business, Corporate, Living Your Passion|

Each of us have a unique ThriveZone profile where we operate at our highest potential. It is the place where our passions meet our purposes; where our unique talents combine with our expertise and natural way of being and working in the world. Uncovering our ThriveZone is the key to unlocking our life’s vision and mission. Mapping our own ThriveZone profile helps us to discover answers to: Where do I most thrive? How do I find my passion and purpose? How do I create a prosperous life around my deeper calling?

August 2019

Living an Inspired Life

By |2021-02-01T17:05:15-05:00August 19th, 2019|Career and Business, Career and Entrepreneurship, Corporate, Living Your Passion, Personal Growth|

The first signs of autumn - cooler evenings and back-to-school flyers - trigger childhood memories of starting a 'new year.' Even as adults we associate fall with a fresh start after a few months of greater outdoor living and relaxation. Many of us dream at the tail end of summer about how we might change jobs - or even start a whole new career - as we imagine ways to escape 9-to-5 routines to do more of what inspires us. Living an Inspired Life Requires Vision and Clarity of Purpose.

July 2019

Midlife Breakdown or Breakthrough

By |2021-02-01T17:05:26-05:00July 30th, 2019|Career and Business, Corporate, Crisis, Loss and Renewal, Living Your Passion, Love Will Keep Us Alive|

Midlife is less defined by an actual date on the calendar, or even physical changes, and more by a stage in which we begin to shift the way we view and interact in the world. It’s not surprising that it can feel disorienting, even debilitating, at times as we re-find ourselves. If we knew that this transitional state was an invitation to a greater path and a fuller expression of our life, would we see this as a midlife crisis or more of a midlife awakening?

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