Have you ever envisioned being your own boss?

Would you like to create a business that expresses your true gifts and talents, offering you the flexibility to do your work, your way and make a real difference?

Do you have an idea for a new business or side-gig but are feel overwhelmed, not sure where to start? Or, do you often get excited about a new idea, but quickly get distracted towards something else, or the inspiration fizzles out?

Or, are you an entrepreneur, wondering if you can make a great living doing what you love? Would you like to start attracting more clients, generating more income and building a solid foundation to grow your business?

People at all stages of life dream of being their own boss, using their expertise and skills, while escaping the 9-to-5 commitment.

Some of the main benefits of include:

✓ Having the freedom to work how, where and when you want.

✓ Doing work that expresses your true gifts and talents.

✓ Spending more time engaged in activities that are meaningful.

✓ Generating more abundance.

✓ Impacting the world around you in a positive way.

✓ Building a solid foundation and even legacy for the future.

Contrary to the plethora of advertisements that claim it’s easy to start a business and create great wealth, very few achieve this dream, and even fewer are able to hold on to it for very long. According to Forbes, 20% of small businesses fail in their first year, 30% in their second year, 50% by their fifth, and 70% beyond their tenth.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 20 years. Often it has been very challenging and scary, but it has been extremely rewarding and provided enormous learning and personal growth opportunities. Having my own business has provided me with the freedom to share my passions and expertise with my clients, while providing a wonderful lifestyle for me and my family. I have learned there are 5 fundamental steps or stages to creating and sustaining a thriving business.

These five steps include:


To make space for new possibilities and to step into your greater potential, it’s imperative that we let go of limiting beliefs, patterns and even relationships that no longer serve our dream of creating a successful business, while cultivating empowering ones that do.

Inner alignment is the practice of intentionally influencing one’s thoughts, emotions and actions towards positive outcomes. Cultivating inner alignment and self care helps each individual manage stress, foster resilience and harness their potential.

The key steps in the ALIGN stage include:

  • Designing transformational and creating broader perspective
  • Cultivating awareness and self care
  • Shifting limiting beliefs
  • Fostering a money mindset
  • Strengthening supporting beliefs
  • Making space for new opportunities
  • Leveraging transformational tools – 5 Power Practices
  • Creating a Personal Development Plan

There are 8 steps to achieving inner alignment (read blog post).


By defining our highest potential and purpose, we focus and integrate our unique gifts, passions, training and experience (personal as well as professional) towards a business that is unique as we are. Creating a clear vision concentrates our efforts to attract the right people so we can use our time, money and other resources most efficiently and effectively.

When we share our vision with the members of our community – the people who know and support us on a regular basis – they will rally behind us to find our ideal clientele. If our vision is unclear, it becomes more difficult for our community to support our enterprise.

The key steps in the DEFINE stage include:

  • Realizing the alchemy of Purpose
  • Discovering my Radiance: “What keeps me happy, healthy & fulfilled”
  • Defining my Evolution: “What am I here to learn & teach?”
  • Describing my unique Expression: “How do I most naturally work and express myself?”
  • Uncovering my Genius: “What are the gifts I have to share?”
  • Summarize my ThriveZone
  • Define my Ecosystem
  • Create a clear Vision, Mission, Approach, Next steps

There are 4 keys to decoding your life path (Read Blog Post).

Create a compelling Vision and set Goals that will help you achieve your dreams (Read Blog Post).


Designing our new business requires thoughtful planning, including researching trends, understanding who our ideal target market is and our unique positioning within it. It also requires us to design our signature product or service offering, and pricing, packaging and marketing it correctly. To do this, we need to develop a business plan that will guide us through both the building and growing phases.

The key steps in the DESIGN stage include:

  • Research trends and SWOT analysis
  • Developing ideal target Personas
  • Defining positioning and creating a brand mood board
  • Designing a signature offer
  • Pricing and revenue budget
  • Creating a Marketing and Sales Plan
  • Outlining business requirements, costs and a budget
  • Preparing an action plan with a schedule


Once the design is clearly laid out, the building stage of the business begins. This stage starts by creating the product or service that we intend to sell. Once that is done, we develop the proper messaging (features, benefits, wording, about) and branding elements (logo, banners, images). Next comes the website, social media platforms, sales funnel, marketing materials and the launch event.

The key steps in the BUILD stage include:

  • Developing product, service and/or course
  • Creating proper messaging and branding elements
  • Building Website
  • Creating a Sales funnel
  • Establishing social media appropriate platforms
  • Creating a launch campaign
  • Developing advertising & content marketing


Through a continual process of evaluating, learning, and improving, we take concrete steps toward improving and growing our business. This requires  monitoring, to understand what is working and what is not, and creating new partnerships, events and marketing strategies/tactics to attract new clients and nurture existing ones.

The key steps in the BUILD stage include:

  • Conducting Sales and onboarding new customers
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting
  • Creating more campaign ideas and marketing strategies/tactics
  • Developing strategic partnerships & affiliates
  • Hosting events
  • Improving lead generation and sales funnels
  • Publishing regular social media content
  • Testing advertising

If you would like to learn more about how you can build a business in the coming year, I’m laying these 5 stages and steps in a free webinar.

Access this Training Here>>>

You can also book a FREE, no obligation, Discovery Consultation today

Or, contact us Today!

Email: Contact@designingtransformation.com

Call: 514-825-0732