loss and renewal

February 2015

Loss and Renewal

By |2021-02-01T17:12:50-05:00February 2nd, 2015|Crisis, Loss and Renewal, Personal Growth|

“My heart is drenched in wine, you will be on my mind forever” Norah Jones Loss. It is all-consuming. We see it all around us. The media is filled with its images and the Haiti earthquake is a painful reminder to us all that loss can strike at any moment. When loss hits close to home, it cuts deep, leaving us with a sense that it will be with us forever. But the point is that we are not meant to escape from its heartbreaking grip. We are meant to work through our pain and loss, because it is through loss that the most incredible opportunities for growth and renewal occur. […]

March 2011

March 11, 2011 – The Beginning of the Apocalypse or the Greatest Revolution of Consciousness?

By |2017-07-13T17:43:57-04:00March 11th, 2011|Shifting Perspectives|

An 8.9-magnitude quake hit today, the strongest ever recorded in Japan. Is this an isolated event or the tip of the iceberg, a prelude of sorts for upcoming events on our planet? According to many astrologists, psychics, ancient prophecies and even scientists, this is the first of many major catastrophic events about to impact earth.

February 2011

Strengthening the Human Heart through Healing Hands

By |2017-07-13T17:43:57-04:00February 7th, 2011|Education, Community and Leadership|

They walk among us. Through their loving work, they help to heal the world. Jean Houston calls them “Social Artists”, referring to those who bring focus, passion, skill, tireless dedication and fresh vision to the social arena. Christian Gagne is a social artist, but he is better known in his own circles as a medical doctor. I am privileged to call him a friend. I personally witnessed the compassion and kindness that he infuses into his practice when he sat next to me, providing comfort as my husband (and his friend) passed away. I watched his healing hands gently touch my husband and tend to his comfort in his remaining hours of life. Those same hands have healed thousands and have welcomed countless newborns into the world. It seemed appropriate to me that he would volunteer to work with an organization called, Team Canada Healing Hands (tchh.org). […]

Watching Groundhog Day, Again

By |2017-07-13T17:43:57-04:00February 1st, 2011|Crisis, Loss and Renewal, Love Will Keep Us Alive|

Watching the movie Groundhog Day again, I was surprised to realize it was filled with metaphors about life, love and conscious evolution. The motivation and reward for the main character's conscious awakening was love. Often romantic love, parental or other love bonds can help propel the soul to evolve. I experienced this in my own life with my husband, Bob, who died over a year ago.

January 2011

Overcoming Adversity – Survival of the Spirit

By |2017-07-13T17:43:57-04:00January 31st, 2011|Crisis, Loss and Renewal, Guest Blogggers & Interviews|

History has proven time and time again that the resilient nature of the human spirit will ultimately triumph when faced with adversity. Although challenges present themselves in a variety of ways, few of us are untouched by adversity. When we find ourselves in difficult times we must refrain from seeing ourselves as the Captain of a sinking ship but rather at the helm of a vessel that is riding a wave. The waters will be calm again for such is the natural ebb and flow of life.

March 2010

Finding beauty in an empty canvas

By |2017-07-13T17:44:05-04:00March 10th, 2010|Crisis, Loss and Renewal|

Rebuilding my life from the ruins of loss Five months ago, when my husband passed away, I started to spiral downwards. For a year and half prior to his death, I had tried to keep it together, to be the strong and supportive wife, mother, bread-winner and care giver. I couldn’t imagine how I would heal my broken heart or how I would fill the gaping hole that his passing left behind. When faced with such a dramatic life changing event, my whole world literally turned upside down. […]

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