About the Author: Lianne Bridges
Author: Lianne Bridges (MBA) - Founder & President, Designing Transformation
Lianne is an author, international speaker and transformation coach. Her passion is to inspire others to follow their dreams and tap into their greater potential. She believes that when we are connected to our purpose, we harness the power to transform lives, starting with our own.
In 1999, she caught the entrepreneurial bug when she launched a successful strategy consulting business. When her husband died, she immersed herself in personal development teachings and spiritual practices. She sensed that her time on Earth was about more than being successful in her own right.
She decided to put her education (MBA) and 30+ year business and leadership experience in the service for others. In 2009, she founded Designing Transformation which supports individuals, business owners and leaders transform their lives and work for the better, by providing guidance, resources and a supportive community.
In 2019, Lianne published her memoir, Love Will Keep Us Alive, which recounts her own journey of awakening to her potential. She wrote it to inspire others to begin living the life that we are all meant to live by stepping into our true brilliance. Learn More: LoveWillKeepUsAlive.com
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