Energy Posting by Brenda Harley

I woke yesterday feeling low, much like the weather. It was dark and rainy outside and it took a moment for me to realize that I was allowing myself to feel the same. Suddenly I found myself wondering how the outer world can ever shift fully into its’ higher expression of itself, if every time I am called to put my understanding into practise, I allow myself to hit the snooze button and pretend that what I am feeling does not matter?

If my normal state has been one of unconsciousness, then surely my choice to become more and more conscious requires commitment and practise? Could it be so simple? Could this one act alone undertaken by many be the change that we are waiting for?

My day quickly took on new meaning, as I explored the many ways open to me in that moment to make myself feel better. Soon I had the wash in and soup on the go and was feeding my soul via the wide range of inspirational teachings shared so freely on the internet, while the music from Phantom of the Opera played in the background.  I was up to the task and it was not long before the sun began to shine, both inside and out!

It is easy to assume that my choice of thought and action has no affect on the events playing out on the world stage, but what if it does? What if my choice to raise my own vibration higher is all that was needed from me that day? What if this is my real job?

With the sun in Gemini, the full moon coming in Sagittarius and a partial lunar eclipse on the 26th, it is a perfect time to reflect and to wonder. Eclipses provide a momentary pause in the established order. Maybe we are being urged to “get it” this time around; to finally understand how we create our lives and to shift upwards into a more powerful and creative time of conscious choices?

Could it be that this awareness that I am grappling with is actually what takes place in all of us as we transition into the New Earth? I quickly hear the voice of outer authority, telling me very firmly to forget it, “because that’s the way it is.”  The beautiful thing is that I just don’t believe it anymore. Creating from ‘within’….a daring NEW paradigm shift! It is the only real power that we have.

Brenda serves as an “Energetic Doula” and can be reached for an appointment at bharley@ or by phone at: (514) 497-1597.
